PVS offers three types of membership:
- Life Membership
- Annual Membership
- Honorary Membership
Download PVS Membership Form
- Membership is open to:
- Every citizen of Pakistan who is interested in vacuum science or utilizes vacuum technologies in his working area.
- Companies or bodies which manufacture or use vacuum equipments.
- Full time students interested in vacuum science and technology.
- Other individuals or groups as approved by the executive council.
Application for membership shall be submitted on the prescribed form (containing the applicant’s agreement to be bound by the society rules), along with life/annual membership fee to the secretary general.
Membership will be approved by the executive council.
Within 30 days of receiving a membership application, the secretary general shall notify the applicant about his success or other wise and pass on the membership details to the secretary (enrollment/ record).
Honorary membership shall be awarded by the general body after recommendations of the executive council of the society.
Nationals of other countries may also become members. The executive council shall decide about their membership.