IUVSTA International Technical Training Course on
Vacuum Applications in Applied Surface Science (ITTC VAASS-2023)
October, 24-26, 2023 Islamabad-Pakistan
Collaborative Partners:
- IUVSTA (International Union for Vacuum Science, Techniques and Applications)
- COMSTECH (OIC Standing Committee on Scientific & Technological Coorperation, Islamabad)
- PSF (Pakistan Science Foundation, Islamabad)
- NINVAST (National Institute of Vacuum Science & Technology, Islamabad)
This course has been designed to assist engineers, researchers, university professors, industry people, plant operators and technicians working in the field of vacuum & applied surface science. The traning course will mainly focus on surface techniques,characterization techniques, instruments and vacuum equipment being used in the educational institutes, industries and research organization.
Eminent experts working in advanced labs from various countries will deliver technical talk & share their experties in the field of applied surface science and vacuum technology. Besides, practical demonstration and hand on traning of the vacuum technology equipment and applied surface science instruments will be porvide an opportunity to the participants to have a look at the modern tendencies in this unique field.
course Title: International Technical Traning Course on "Vacuum Applications in Applied Surface Science" (ITTC VAASS-2023)
Date: October 24-26,2023
Venue: COMSTECH Auditorium, 33-Constitution Avenue, Sector G-5/2, Islamabad.
Tel: +92-336-1057521, Fax: +92-51-4434537
Email: pvs@comsats.net.pk, Web: www.pvs.com.pk